
【學術活動】 馬來西亞姊妹校拉曼大學數學系Dr.LEM KONG HO教授蒞校演講11月5日下午2:10於S433

活動時間 2015-11-05 公告單位 工學院 - 工學院

Title: Introduction to Homotopy Analysis Method SPEAKER: Dr. LEM KONG HOONG (林光雄教授) (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Department of Physical and Mathematical Science (DPMS) Faculty of Science (FSc)) TIME:11/5(Thu.),14:10 PLACE:Science building S433 Synopsis: Homotopy analysis method (HAM) is an approximate analytic method for solving non-linear differential problems developed in 1992. It provides series solution to problem under study and the series convergence is controlled by a convergence-control parameter. In this talk, the key concept of HAM and its application in solving simple ordinary differential equations will be presented. Besides, the incorporation of Laplace transform into HAM will be covered too. ~理學院敬邀~歡迎參加~
