
【學術活動】 統計系邀請台灣大學數學系陳宏教授蒞校演講,時間:3/23(二)下午2點,地點:B310

活動時間 2004-03-23 公告單位 管理學院 - 統計系

講題:Tests for Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes in Two-Sample cDNA Microarrays 摘要:A comparative microarray experiment is often conducted to compare activity of thousands of gene in two different kinds of cells. This produces intriguing but difficult simultaneous inference problems. Various testing procedures have been proposed to do a proper simultaneous inference. Among them, Tusher et al., (2001) proposed the SAM t-test by adding a small constant to the gene-specific variance estimate to stabilize the small variances encountered in the experimental data. Efron (2001) discussed this testing procedure in detail on identifying differentially expressed genes with a proper control on false discovery rate. In this talk, we will give an overview on this area. In addition, we will present a ”new” sign test, along the same idea of Efron, and do a comparison on these two tests. ~~歡迎參加~~
