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TKU Ranked #1 Private University for 19th Consecutive Time

Date 2016-02-18 11273 Clicks

Global Views Monthly

Cheers Magazine has recently finished their annual survey, interviewing 2000 enterprises to take note of which university graduates are the most preferred in the work field. This marks the 19th year in-a-row that Tamkang University is ranked number one amongst private universities in Taiwan. TKU was placed at 9th place in terms of universities in Taiwan overall.

The survey consisted of various categories, ranking TKU at number one of private universities in the categories of Resilience and Stability, Creative Ability, Communication and Teamwork, Problem Solving and Adaptiveness, and Multitasking. TKU was ranked 2nd in the categories of Aspirations to Learn, Professional Skills and Knowledge, International Vision and Language Ability, and Digital Applications Ability. TKU was ranked 3rd in the categories of High-tech Industries Production, High Tech Services, Traditional Services, and General Services and Finances.

Global Views Monthly also conducted a survey of the most preferred university graduates for employment of the year 2016, tying Tamkang University and National Tsing Hua University at 6th place. This survey was conducted through the use of internet surveys sent out to 1,594 industries.

The university’s highest priority is to prepare students for the future, cultivating skills and experience, especially in the areas of a global vision, information and future developments. The Three Circles (internationally-oriented, information-oriented, future-oriented academic system) and Five Disciplines (conduct, intelligence, physical education, teamwork and beauty) remain the 8 virtues that continue to shape student academic and career success.


TKU Ranked #1 Private University for 19th Consecutive Time
Cheers Magazine
TKU Ranked #1 Private University for 19th Consecutive Time
Cheers Magazine
TKU Ranked #1 Private University for 19th Consecutive Time
Cheers Magazine
TKU Ranked #1 Private University for 19th Consecutive Time
Cheers Magazine
TKU Ranked #1 Private University for 19th Consecutive Time
Global Views Monthly