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Educational Science All Around Taiwan

Date 2016-05-03 3791 Clicks

You-lin Lin

In order to raise knowledge regarding science in Taiwan, the Ministry of Science and Technology is adopting a strategic approach, promoting innovation into educational science. For the sake of this objective, from May to June of 2016 a series of 10 events will be held in various places in Taiwan for what is being deemed as “People’s Science Week.” The plan consists of TKU and 15 other academic institutions in cooperation with the Taiwan Railway in order to smoothly and efficiently pass the knowledge of science around the entire island. The train began its journey starting from Taipei on May 3 and is estimated to return within 4 days.

Tamkang University’s College of Science was responsible for the portion of activities that took place at Banqiao Station; beginning with a warm invigorating welcome while providing scientific performances in both the station as well as the passenger cars. Director of the Center of Science Education, Chang-bo Wang, expressed, “People’s Science Week began at the beginning of April, holding events to promote science to the many remote areas of Taiwan. By way of the train, we will be able to make a trip from Ban Qiao, Tao Yuan, Xin Zhu, Miao Li, Tai chung, Zhang Hua, Nan Tou, Yun Lin, Jia Yi, Tainan City, Kao Hsiung, Ping Dong, Tai Dong, Hua Lian, Yi Lan and Ji Long. It’s estimated that it will return to Taipei on May 6.”


Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin
Educational Science All Around Taiwan
You-lin Lin