News and Events

The 3rd Asian Community Leadership Seminar – 3 Countries and 3 Universities

Date 2018-08-23 3450 Clicks

Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs

Globalization has broken down barriers that once existed between disparate countries and populations, creating ever more chances for cross-cultural exchange and interaction. In this closely connected global village, many of the issues afflicting modern societies can be solved through international cooperation. To explore such issues in depth, Tamkang University recently teamed up with Ritsumeikan University and Kyung Hee University to hold the 2018 Asian Community Leadership Seminar (ACLS).

Currently in its third year, the Seminar provides a forum in which to discuss social issues particular to East Asia; and by combining theory and practice, participants are able to devise a series of concrete solutions. This year's Seminar ran for three weeks in August, with students spending one entire week at three separate universities. It kicked off at Ritsumeikan University in Japan (Aug 6-11) where students delved into the topic of 'cross-cultural communication.' They then went to Kyung Hee University in Korea for the second week (Aug 12-18), exploring the topic of 'global peace studies' before finishing their journey at Tamkang University (Aug 19-25).

During the three-week program students took part in lectures, group discussions, and internships. And by engaging in cross-cultural communication, respecting cultural differences, and understanding issues related to world peace, participants helped to promote global harmony and learned how to better intuit, manage, and create the future. A total of 20 students participated – four from Japan, six from Korea, and ten from Taiwan.

In her opening speech at the start of the Seminar, the Dean of International Affairs, Dr. Lucia Chen, stated that ACLS is an integral platform for the younger generation, allowing them to get involved in international issues and broaden their global horizons. She commended participants for their energy and wisdom, their willingness to try new things and take on new challenges. She also emphasized that 90 percent of participants in this year's event were female, which demonstrates the important role that women play in contemporary society, but expressed her hope that more male students will take part in the future.


The 3rd Asian Community Leadership Seminar – 3 Countries and 3 Universities
Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs
The 3rd Asian Community Leadership Seminar – 3 Countries and 3 Universities
Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs
The 3rd Asian Community Leadership Seminar – 3 Countries and 3 Universities
Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs
The 3rd Asian Community Leadership Seminar – 3 Countries and 3 Universities
Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs
The 3rd Asian Community Leadership Seminar – 3 Countries and 3 Universities
Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs
The 3rd Asian Community Leadership Seminar – 3 Countries and 3 Universities
Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs