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Tunghai and Tamkang Exchange Administrative Know-how

Date 2011-06-20 6773 Clicks

In order to better understand the administrative processes in place at Tamkang University, a delegation from Central Taiwan’s Tunghai University visited the Tamsui Campus yesterday, June 20.

The delegation was received by a number of senior TKU staff, including the Secretary-General of Tamkang University, Dr. Hsu Ting-chi, the Director of the Office of Quality Assurance and Audit, Dr. Pai Ti-ching, the Dean of the Office of Research and Development, Dr. Shung-wen Kang, and the Director and Editor-in-Chief of the Tamkang Times weekly publication, Ms. Ma Yu-pei.

The schedule for the visit was organized by Secretary-General Hsu, and included an initial briefing, an informal discussion, a group photograph, and a lunch banquet. Secretary-General Hsu explained that in November 2005, TKU President Chang led a delegation of TKU faculty and staff to Tunghai University, where they were greeted warmly and were offered the local specialty of fresh full-cream milk and hand-made yoghurt. At the time, President Chang noted that Tunghai’s exemplary system of administration and its wealth of humanity-related activities were areas in which Tamkang could observe, learn, and improve.

This time, it was Tunghai’s turn to observe and learn from TKU. In particular, the visitors were briefed on the status and operation of: the TKU Regulations Review Committee, the Tamkang system of secretary-level conferences and discussions, the processes through which TKU implements resolutions passed in administrative conferences, internal control and auditing mechanisms, public relations systems, and procedures for university evaluation and research development.

Secretary-General Hsu said that the visit is just the beginning of what will be a close administrative relationship. In the future, after faculty and staff from both universities become well acquainted, “we will be able to exchange ideas and administrative practices in a number of areas”. Toward the end of the visit, before the scheduled lunch banquet, a group photo was taken at the TKU Fu Yuan Gardens. It captured a significant moment in time, as two universities came together to observe, learn, and improve.