News and Events

TKU Expands Scope of Cooperation with Industry

Date 2011-12-08 4715 Clicks

Tamkang University has long been a pioneer in the establishment of academic / industry cooperative schemes. A TKU department especially proactive in forging links with business is the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering. On 8th December, the Computer Science Department held an Opening Ceremony to herald the start of close cooperative relations with a number of leading companies. The Opening Ceremony, which was held during the 2011 Cross-Strait Conference on Information Science and Technology and iCube, will see TKU team up with the likes of AboCom, Acer, MiTAC, to provide students with an all-round education that combines theory with practice.

The initiative will expand the scope of companies available to students as part of the “311 Junior Leaders Program”. The 311 program is a requirement for students hoping to take part in practical industry internships. To qualify, students must obtain recommendations from 3 supervising teachers (including the department chairman), must partake in 1 team project (either class-based or in a student society / club) and must gain accreditation in at least 1 specialized field.

The Chairman of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, Dr. Chin-Hwa Kuo, explained that in order to build the program into a comprehensive initiative, the department must evaluate industry demand for personnel and respond by setting up corresponding courses and training schemes.