News and Events

Graduating TKU Students Leave Their Mark

Date 2014-04-28 4067 Clicks

We are approaching May and all of the university campuses are preparing for their graduation ceremony. This week all of the graduating students from the Department of Information and Communication have their university achievements displayed in an exhibition. There is a large sphere with the words “What I care about”, which reflects the many basic concepts that the senior year students have learned and developed over the years. This exhibition points out the many layers of cultivation the students have undergone while showing how their achievements have impacted the community.

Graduation student organizer from the Department of Information and Communication, Yi Zhang, expressed, “Our generation of communication is completely different from the ones before us. Today people don’t use the same resources as they have in the past and we must be pioneers as we explore a new future of possibilities. Through self exploration and modern media, we can pave a new pathway to the future. The value of our society is determined by spreading new innovations throughout the community.”

Students from different departments and organizations happily wrote their concerns and ideas on the graduation sphere. It gave younger students and the outside community a chance to share the thoughts of the future workers of society. The sphere has been available for students to write on since last week and ideas such as “artistic unity” and “expressing love” are tattooed along the side. Yi Zhang added, “Students that take pictures with the sphere can put it on Facebook and will have a chance to win a raffle prize!”