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The College of International Affairs Goes on a Quest for Knowledge in Japan

Date 2015-05-01 3197 Clicks

College of International Affairs

The College of International studies utilized the mid-term period to travel to Japan for an academic exchange on April 27th. Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, Associate Professor of the Graduate Institute of Asian Studies, Hsi-hsun Tsai, Professor of the Graduate Institute of the Americas, I-hsin Chen, Professor of the Department of the European Studies, Chiu-ching Kuo, and Assistant Professor of the Graduate Institute of China Studies, Chien-fu Chen, travelled to sister school, Waseda University, to attend a summit to discuss “the Relationship of America and Japan / China and Japan and the rights of the Southern Seas.” The event carefully examined and explored the future of mainland China in regards of its neighboring countries.

On April 28th the journey continued as TKU’s representative group travelled to The Japan Institute of International Affairs and Tokyo’s MBA Lib to research information to support their understanding of the relationship of national security between Japan and America. Afterwards, they had a sit in at the House of Representatives in Japan. The group then returned to Taiwan for a dinner with TKU Alumni and Japanese Ambassador in Taiwan, Can-xu Ren and Deputy Ambassador Rui-hu Xu. Gao-cheng Wang expressed, “This is the second time that the College of International Affairs has taken on an international exchange such as this one. It’s clear that Waseda University is not just a sister school, but an excellent symbol of a thriving modern Japan. On this exchange we were able to attain a wealth of invaluable knowledge.”


The College of International Affairs Goes on a Quest for Knowledge in Japan
College of International Affairs
The College of International Affairs Goes on a Quest for Knowledge in Japan
College of International Affairs
The College of International Affairs Goes on a Quest for Knowledge in Japan
College of International Affairs