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Brave Senior Students Help Express Love

Date 2015-05-04 3866 Clicks

Department of Information and Communication

Mother’s day is almost upon us and it’s that important time of the year that we should say those three little words to our loved ones: “I love you.” Five senior students from the Department of Information and Communication have made love the theme of their final year through the creation of three events: Love Bottle, Love Post Cards and Love Stamps, which were made to let everyone conveniently and directly express their feelings to the people they care about.

Leader of the senior group, “I love you,” is Ms. Wen-yi Chen who expressed, “We wanted to give everyone the courage to take the first step in expressing important feelings.” Members of I Love You also include, Guan-yu Huang, Yu-ning Zhang, Jie-chen Xiao and Ji-xuan Huang. The first project, Love Bottle, is a survey that will collect related data to how often students express their inner feelings with their family and loved ones. The second project, Love Post Cards, will give students an opportunity to express their thoughts to their family via online platform. The final part of the project, Love Stamps, will let students directly express their feelings to the object of their affections.

After taking a poll that collected data from 1,929 students from Tamkang University, National Taiwan University, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei National University of Arts and Shih Hsin University, counting the number of years passed without saying “I love you” to their parents, they found a total of 10,184 years had passed without families use the words. Many students hadn’t said the words in 5 years or more and one in every four students had never even said it. These seniors have made it their personal graduation project to attempt to bring families closer together, making them true agents of love.


Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication
Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication
Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication
Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication
Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication
Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication
Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication
Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication
Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication
Brave Senior Students Help Express Love
Department of Information and Communication