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TKU Makes Tamsui History

Date 2015-06-23 3794 Clicks

The Department of Mass Communication

When people mention Tamsui they may think of tourist areas, historical sites and a place of artistic developments, but you may not think of it as a place for farming. There are still traditional farmers that live a difficult and humble life, tilling the earth in the Tamsui region with hopes of an abundant crop. In order to give a closer look at the lifestyle, culture and work ethic of these people, students of the Department of Mass Communication have taken on a new part of a project called, “A Complete Record of the Tamsui Region.” This plan involves the collaboration of 60 people divided into 8 groups for a duration of 8 months of surveys, interviews and film, which will be made into 8 different documentaries. This will be a great contribution to the preservation of the culture of Tamsui.

Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Sinn-cheng Lin, stated, “This project is called the Great Tamsui Region record, which is a part of the project called A Complete Record of the Tamsui Region. The latter project began on August 1st, 2012 and is now reaching its third year. The project involves professional filming skills and services that will leave a great historical record as well as aid the students in their future development.”

Director and third-year student of the Department of Mass Communication, He-wei He, expressed, “We spent countless hours filming in order to get the right portrayal of Mr. De-yuan and his family’s life on the farm. We’ve had to use class time, weekends and even vacations while overcoming obstacles from equipment to weather. It has been truly challenging, but after spending so much time together, we’ve all become family.” Third-year exchange student of the Department of Mass Communication, Jia-ying Hu, expressed, “I’m so grateful every time I’m able to study the ecosystem of the farm, I’m especially grateful to our team leaders who took great care of us the entire time.”


TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication
TKU Makes Tamsui History
The Department of Mass Communication