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TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year

Date 2015-12-21 4557 Clicks

Department of Mass Communication

What thoughts come mind when you imagine Tamsui 30 years ago? Did you know that it was a small romantic village, that couldn’t even be reached without taking the train? Even now the richness of the resources and diverse scenery give a glimpse that there is something more behind the modern construction. The Department of Mass Communication’s media internship program created a documentary film, “Tamkang News 30 Tamsui and Tamda,” to display the unique cultural history of Tamsui and it premiered in the Carrie Chang Music Hall on Dec. 19 (Saturday) at 3:30pm.

Director of the Department of Mass Communication, Huei-chun Chi, expressed, “In 1985 the Department of Mass Communication established the Tamkang University television station and at the time University Founder, Clement C. P. Chang and former university Vice President Teng-hui Lee attended the unveiling ceremony. This year, marks the network’s 30th year and it has captured all of the changes over the course of time, leaving an invaluable historical record. Tamsui has also changed the shape of the town, not just in terms of students, but by making donations such as the lifeboats at the MRT station, by pass roads, Tamsui cultural sales, the opening ceremony for the Tamsui Center of Arts and Culture, engineering and architecture for new designs, publication of the article ‘Golden Tamsui,’ and more. All of these events, which have been recorded by this news station.”

Over the past 30 years, the TKU television network has cultivated many exceptional careers of people who have covered very important issues such as the Jiu-ying Ma and Jin-ping Xi conference, covered by General Editor Zhen-zhong He and Correspondent Iris Liu; in addition Hsin-ping Chao of ETTV News, Jay William of CTS News and Ted Lin of TVBS are all TKU alumni.


TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication
TKU Television Network Reaches 30th Year
Department of Mass Communication