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TKU Students Win Prize for New App

Date 2017-10-02 6047 Clicks

In Taiwan, children who haven't yet entered kindergarten are often looked after by a babysitter or a full-time nanny. To allow the nanny to consistently evaluate the progress made by the child as he or she grows up, and to enable the flow of communication between nanny and parents, a little notebook known as a "communication booklet" is used.

However, in its current form, the communication booklet is somewhat inconvenient. For example, it costs money to consistently purchase new booklets; the lined paper or the format of the booklet does not always meet one's needs; children often forget to take it with them or bring it home; and it's impossible to update and then instantly view the content of the booklet.

Yet a group of TKU students from the Tamkang University Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering have changed all this by developing a new online e-booklet app that goes by the name "Babe with You". These students last week took part in the final leg of the 2017 Mobile Application Innovation Contest, held by Apple, and claimed first place, demonstrating on the largest stage the high-level software development skills of students from Tamkang University.

Additionally, Meng-Shiuan Pan, the associate professor who oversaw the project, received the prize for best supervisor.