News and Events

Building a Better Tamsui with the USR Program

Date 2018-06-14 4377 Clicks

To help students and faculty better understand the University Social Responsibility (USR) Program, last week Tamkang University held a workshop event at the Chueh Sheng International Conference Hall entitled "Working Together to Create Tamsui Community". The event featured students not only from TKU, but also other local colleges in the area.

During the event, members of the USR team and others who had participated in previous events took turns sharing their experiences in conducting social responsibility activities, and the TKU Vice-President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, delivered a speech, in which he introduced the two projects that had gained approval and subsidies from the Ministry of Education. One was the 'Restoration of Tamsui Old Street' project, while the other was the 'Tamsui Good Living' project.

The first session of the workshop involved a briefing from the members of the 'Tamsui Good Living' project. One of the teachers assisting the project, Huang Rui-mao from the TKU Department of Architecture, described the work that TKU students had accomplished under the USR program. This includes going into the community to help restore dilapidated areas, create innovative ways of dealing with food waste, provide long-term care and assistance for the elderly, and offer after-school care and guidance for school children.