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An Alliance to Promote Environmental Protection Among Students

Date 2018-11-01 3201 Clicks

On the morning of Oct 31, 2018, a signing ceremony was held at the Tamsui Campus, which saw Tamkang University sign a memorandum of collaboration with three local elementary schools: Dengong Elementary, Wenhua Elementary, and Xingren Elementary. The initiative between the schools has been described as a "strategic alliance of partner schools that will work together to promote environmental education along Taiwan's Northern Coastline".

Present at the signing ceremony were the principals of each of the participating elementary schools, along with the President of Tamkang University, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh. In his opening remarks, President Keh thanked the principals for their support in helping bring the initiative to fruition, and emphasized the importance of caring for the environment, noting that the vast majority of environmental issues currently facing humanity were caused by humanity, and that we should thus come together to shoulder the burden and rectify the situation.

The signing ceremony was held at the Tamsui Campus, and specifically in the campus's Maritime Museum, which TKU hopes to fashion into a multi-functional learning center, allowing visitors to simultaneously learn about maritime knowledge and environmental protection. During the ceremony, the principals of the three elementary schools delivered speeches. They each thanked the TKU Department of Architecture for the time and effort it had invested, conducting experiments and communal projects that teach local students about the environment. One of these projects is a "science farm", established at Wenhua Elementary, that incorporates the Internet of Things and teaches students essential environmental knowledge, such as the various categories that garbage is sorted into and the numerous elements that make up an ecosystem.