News and Events

The 2018 High Table Dinner at Lanyang

Date 2018-10-31 2947 Clicks

The Tamkang University Lanyang Campus is a residential college known for its international focus, with many of its courses being conducted in English. To help broaden students' horizons, a High Table Dinner event is held each year around the beginning of the first semester. The dinner event, held from start to finish in English, provides newly-arrived freshmen with the chance to socialize in a formal dinner setting and learn about the etiquette involved in such events, as well as practicing their English speaking skills. Events like these also illustrate the holistic nature of education at TKU, not simply dispensing academic knowledge, but also helping to nurture and build students' overall character.

This year's High Table Dinner was held on the evening of Oct 30 in the cafeteria of the Clement Chang Building. Students began pouring into the building at 6pm, and the first item on the agenda was an introductory session on formal table etiquette carried out by Chou Chi-wei, an instructor from the TKU Department of Global Politics and Economics.

One of the purposes of the dinner event is to allow students to mingle with senior TKU staff. In this way, staff are able to formally welcome new students to the Lanyang Campus, while students are able to provide initial feedback about living conditions and the general campus environment directly to top-tier Tamkang faculty and staff. This year's attendees included the President of Tamkang University, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, who was accompanied, among other high-level staff, by the vice presidents for academic, administrative, and international affairs: Dr. Chii-Dong Ho, Dr. Shi-Feng Chuang, and Dr. Kao-Cheng Wang respectively.

The High Table Dinner was emceed by two Tamkang students, who kicked off the banquet with a formal toast, as everyone stood up and raised their glasses to mark the start of the evening event. The event included speeches from senior staff, the presentation of prizes to students, and a delicious and diverse range of dishes.