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Tamkang Partners with Apple to Open the First RTC in Northern Taiwan

Date 2018-11-21 5045 Clicks

Recognizing the importance of producing highly-skilled program developers, Tamkang University has teamed up with Straight A, a chain of campus stores that comes under the umbrella of Studio A, Asia's largest high-quality distributor of Apple products. Recently, TKU and Straight A jointly set up northern Taiwan's first Apple regional training center (RTC), and held a ceremony on the afternoon of Nov 20 to signify the start of this collaborative effort between university and business.

Before the formal part of the ceremony got under way, speeches were made by the TKU Chief Information Officer and the TKU Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Chin-Hwa Kuo and Dr. Chii-Dong Ho respectively. In his opening address, Dr. Ho thanked Apple and Straight A for placing their confidence in Tamkang University, noting that it was only thanks to this endorsement and the support of TKU senior faculty and staff – including the Chairperson of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, the President of TKU, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, and the former TKU Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Hu Yi-jen – that enabled the establishment of the RTC. Ho also commented that the partnership would strengthen students' ability to write programs, and that if they continued on and obtained certification in this area of studies, their competitiveness in the workforce would be greatly enhanced.

Dr. Ho also thanked the entire staff of the TKU Office of General Affairs and Office of Information Services for their combined efforts in building and installing the requisite hardware; as well as the chairs of the Department of Information Management and the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, for their dedication in providing the necessary software.