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TKU College of Science Expands Ties in SE Asia

Date 2018-11-25 3415 Clicks

On the afternoon of Nov 22, 2018, the TKU College of Science signed a memorandum of understanding for academic cooperation and exchange with three Vietnamese universities. These include: 1) the College of Environment and Natural Resources, which is one of the colleges that makes up the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (HCMUT), as well as 2) Dalat University (DLU), and 3) Tay Nguyen University (TNU).

The agreement between TKU and HCMUT will only involve college-to-college exchange and interaction. TKU's agreements with DLU and TNU, on the other hand, will allow for both college-based and broader university-based exchange and interaction.

The official signing ceremony was held at the TKU Tamsui Campus. Signatories to the agreement included Dr. Nguyen Tan Phong, the Associate Dean of Environmental and Natural Resources, HCMUT, Dr. Nguyen Van Ket, the Vice President of DLU, Dr. Tran Trung Dung, the Vice President of TNU, and Dr. Zhou Zicong, the Dean of the TKU College of Science.

During the signing ceremony, which was hosted by Dean Zhou, representatives from each university delivered presentations introducing their respective universities and colleges.

The spark that eventually led to this mutual collaboration, and to the signing agreement in particular, was initially lit by Dr. Wang San-lang, a professor from the Department of Chemistry who travelled to Vietnam during the summer break to meet with Dr. Nguyen Tan Phong of HCMUT and Dr. Nguyen Van Ket of DLU. During the meetings, they vowed to follow up with future exchange and cooperative agreements. TNU, on the other hand, had four faculty members undertaking postgraduate programs in the TKU Department of Chemistry, which is how the cooperative agreement with TNU came about.

HCMUT is a national university located in Ho Chi Minh City. It boasts a student enrolment of 27,000 and comprises 11 academic colleges. DLU is located in Dalat City and has a student enrolment of 12,000, with 12 colleges in total. TNU is located in Buon Ma Thuot City, and has 28,000 students enrolled, with nine colleges and one research center.