News and Events

Spreading Love into the Community - TKU Assists Local Elementary School Clubs

Date 2018-12-15 4483 Clicks

Over the past semester, TKU students have been working to develop and support clubs and societies embedded within local elementary schools. On Dec 12, 2018, a presentation event was held to display all the achievements spawned from this collaborative initiative.

Despite it being the coldest day of winter so far, attendees poured in to Tongchou Square, Tamsui, including students from Tamsui Elementary, Deng Gong Elementary, Hsin Hsing Elementary, Tian Sheng Elementary, Yu Ying Elementary, and Chung Shan Elementary, as well as teachers and staff, for a total tally of 141 elementary school participants. There were also 52 Tamkang University club members, students who have provided guidance and assistance to strengthen these elementary school clubs, allowing them to flourish.

Present at the event was Dr. Andy Liou, the General Secretary of Tamkang University, who was accompanied by Dr. Chun-hung Lin, the Dean of Student Affairs, along with section chiefs from each section of the Office of Student Affairs. The event began with an opening address by General Secretary Liou, who explained that this initiative, in which Tamkang University students assist local elementary schools to develop their clubs and societies, has been in place for over twenty years now. He also conveyed his gratitude to the participating schools for giving TKU students the opportunity to apply their skills and knowledge to serve the community at large.

One of the aims of this program is to help guide young learners in coordinating and organizing club-based activities and community events, thus honing their organizational skills, enhancing their interest in extracurricular activities, and channeling their attention and energy into wholesome and fun recreational pastimes.

The presentation event was punctuated by displays of skill and talent that students had picked up or improved during the course of the college-elementary school collaboration. This included performances by the wind orchestra and harmonica clubs of Tamsui Elementary School, the Deng Gong Elementary School Choir, and the Chung Shan Elementary School Traditional Chinese Music Club.