News and Events

The Opening Ceremony for the Taiwan Photon Source 45A Beamline

Date 2019-05-07 4425 Clicks

On May 5, 2019, the Tamkang University “End Station” Lab held the Opening Ceremony for the Taiwan Photon Source 45A Beamline. The Ceremony was held at the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center in Hsinchu, northern Taiwan. The product will soon be open for public use, and through this opportunity it is hoped that the members of the Tamkang University Synchrotron Radiation Research Team will get the chance to research brand new, energy-based nanomaterials and cooperate with international teams in similar fields.

The research and application of synchrotron light source has been a long-term focus for development for the TKU Department of Physics. The Synchrotron Radiation Research Team is comprised of several faculty members from the Department (Prof. Way-Faung Pong, Prof. Chao-Hung Du, Assoc Prof. Dong Chung-Li, and Assoc Prof. Cheng-Hao Chuang), who have been conducting in-depth research in this field for many years, and their research accomplishments have placed them in the spotlight both locally and on an international stage. These researchers also took part in the planning and construction of the facilities for the Taiwan Photon Source (TPS) large-scale instrument lab.