News and Events

70th Anniversary, Transcending from the Heart to a Sustainable Tamkang

Date 2020-11-07 1527 Clicks

Beauty of Orchids
Beauty of Orchids

Congratulations on the 70th anniversary of Tamkang University! The Office of Academic Affairs held a celebration ceremony on the 7th floor of Shao-Mo Memorial Stadium at 10 am on November 7th. The 34th Tamkang Elite Golden Eagle Award and the Donation Appreciation Award will be presented. The President Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, Chairperson Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, and Tamkang’s alumni, the Ministry of Education Executive Deputy Chief Ten-Jiao Lin participated and delivered a speech, inviting attending alumni, distinguished guests, first- and second-level supervisors and faculty members to celebrate the 70th birthday of the university.

The Golden Eagle Award was awarded at the celebration to commend the 6 outstanding alumni: the Dean from the Office of Research and Development, alumni of the Department of Chemistry Bo-Chang Wang; the Chairperson of the Powerlogic., Ltd., alumni of the Department of Civil Engineering Wen-Fang Hsu; the President of Lucky Group, alumni of the Department of Business Management Zhao-Xiong Yeh; the Chairperson of QST International Corporation, alumni of the Department of Mechanical Engineering Wu Rong-Bin Wu; the President of the National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, alumni of the Department of Information Engineering Nan-Zhen Xie; and the Chairperson of Skwentex International Corporation, alumni of the Department of Chemical Materials Yang-Yuan Chen.

Next, donation appreciation awards were given to donators such as WIN Semiconductor Corporation, Grand Dynasty Industrial Co., Ltd., Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd., Skwentex International Corporation, and Boltun Corporation, showing appreciation of all donations and support.

Finally, President Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, Chairperson Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, and the World Alumni Association President Jin-Cai Chen cut the birthday cake together, and a "Baby Egg Roll" sung the birthday song and the Tamkang University Anthem with everyone in the university. The Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Chii-Dong Ho, the Vice President for Administrative Affairs Dr. Shi-Feng Chuang, the Vice President for International Affairs Dr. Kao-Cheng Wang, former President Dr. Rong-Yao Zhao, Dr. Yun-Shan Lin, Board of Trustees Charles C. Lin, Wan-Chin Tai, and Honorary President of the Alumni Association Headquarter of the Republic of China Jin-Cai Chen all attended.

Alumni Activities Starts Noon at the Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the university, the Departments and Alumni Union Clubs hosted outstanding department awards in the Chang Yeo Lan International Conference Hall on the 3rd floor of the Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center at noon. A total of 50 alumni received awards; then the World Alumni Association, Elite Club, and the Alumni Association Headquarter of the Republic of China hosted alumni dinner parties on the 3rd and 4th floors of the Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center. The Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development held the alumni and corporate donation ceremony on the 2nd floor of Hsu Shou-Chlien International Conference Center at 3:30 PM. The Alumni Association invited alumni, companies, and faculty members to host a Thanksgiving dinner at the Shao-Mo Memorial Gymnasium to celebrate the 70th anniversary of Tamkang at 6 PM later that evening.

Tamkang Anniversary Celebration hosts "Beauty of Orchids" Orchid Exhibition "Lady of the Night" Wins the Oiran

To celebrate the 70th anniversary of Tamkang, the Office of General Affairs held an orchid exhibition from November 5th to November 7th from 9 AM to 5 PM. The theme of the exhibition is the "Beauty of Orchids," gathered from all over the country, a total of 307 orchids were exhibited. Chairperson Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang went to see it in person around 10 AM on November 6th and took photos with the award-winning orchids.

The Dean of the Office of General Affairs Ruey-Shiang Shaw explained that every year the orchid exhibition presents a different appearance. This was the first time in the year that Tamkang co-organized with the Taiwan Orchid Breeders Association, thus providing many new varieties of orchids within the exhibition, some of which have not even been publicized. This orchid exhibition can be said to be "The First Issue Nationally." “Every orchid has a story of its own, we welcome everyone to join us for the exhibition.”

One of the evaluation committee members, Shi-Zhang Sun, who has been committed to orchid cultivation for a long time, explained that this review is divided into four various categories: Phalaenopsis Orchid, Cattleya Labiata Orchid, Paphiopedilum Orchid, and other rare species. The awards and overall rankings of each group are selected in order. A total of 135 orchids gained recognition. The championship was won by the "Brassavola" cultivated by the "Charm Sun Phalaunopsis Garden" in Tainan. The white Brassavola from Central and South America has a small and lovely appearance, and its colors are usually white and green. It is also called "Lady of the Night" because it emits fragrance at night. The award-winning orchids are planted in full pots, and nearly a hundred flowers bloom, just like the starry night.

The "New Floral Breeding Award" is a new addition to encourage floral farmers to research and develop new varieties. Thus, there were many orchids bred from different species such as the Mormodes, Cycnoches, and the Catasetum orchid which gave amazing floral shapes and color. Within the exhibition, orchid growers have successfully cultivated the unique and famous orchids of "Paph. Armeniacum" and "Paph. Micranthum" originated from China, one of which is bright and dazzling in yellow, and the other is alluring and bright in red. There were also orchid varieties from the desert and the polar regions, which were also mesmerizing. Orchid lovers are highly recommended to visit the exhibition.

Anniversary Celebration "Tamkang Light Projection Show" Invites You to Experience a Visual Feast

The Office of Secretariat presents the Tamkang Light Projection Show at 6 PM on November 6th, hosted by Secretary-General Dr. Andy Ay-Hwa Liou. The four bamboo slips presented a distinctive style featured with sound and light effects, which resulted in bursts of exclamations and applauses on the scene. Participants received a small shimmering badge as souvenirs. The President Dr. Huan-Chao Keh will host the event today, November 7th at 6 PM. If you haven't seen it yet, don't miss it!