News and Events

Spring Sunshine Week

Date 2011-05-06 5718 Clicks

On the 4th of May, an opening ceremony was held to kick off this year’s Spring Sunshine Week. Attendees at the event included the President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, the TKU Vice President for Administrative Affairs, Dr. Po-yuan Kao, the Director of the TKU Office of Military Education and Training, Chen Guo-Liang, and the entire staff of the Office of Military Education and Training.

Spring Sunshine Week is organized by the TKU Spring Sunshine Club. It involves activities that encourage students to quit smoking, or, at the very least, to head to the designated smoking areas, set up around TKU, before ‘lighting up’.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, President Chang pointed out that currently, 1 out of every 10 deaths around the world is caused by the effects of cigarette smoking; quit-smoking campaigns have become major social movements worldwide. Given TKU’s status as a recognized international safe school, she added, it is imperative that TKU faculty and students find a way to quit smoking. President Chang also conferred awards on members of the TKU Spring Sunshine Club and TKU reporters for their work over the past year in promoting the need to quit smoking and taking part in numerous related campus activities. “Their efforts have contributed to the sharp reduction in smoking seen at the Tamsui Campus”, she asserted.

The opening ceremony also featured special guest speaker and long-time ‘quit-smoking’ campaigner, Chen Shu-li. Ms. Chen, apart from presenting awards to ‘quit smoking’ volunteers, also expressed that she was touched by TKU’s enthusiasm in promoting student health.

The event concluded as members of the Spring Sunshine Club handed flower bouquets to TKU teachers and staff.