News and Events

2011-2012 Seminar for Leaders of Student Associations

Date 2011-08-23 6051 Clicks

As early as 46 years ago, TKU began holding an annual seminar for leaders of student associations. Lasting for five days, the seminar not only enables future leaders of student clubs to hone their skills as leaders, but also equips such students with confidence and know-how, allowing them to make an immediate impression in the workforce.

This year’s seminar ran from Aug 18 – 22 and drew 213 participants, each of whom will be leading a TKU student association in the coming academic year. During the seminar, the participants took part in classes and activities that taught them about leadership. The curriculum was designed to instill in students three primary lessons: how to build one’s sense of self-worth, how to create group awareness, and how to work toward a new and better future. These lessons were learned with the aid of several small-group “tutorials”, in which students were taught practical lessons on time management, DIY innovation, effective communication, event planning, and many more.

By the end of the five days, students had not only made several new friends, but were also excited about all the new knowledge they had gleaned. Third year English student and leader of the Business Simulation Club, Huang Bo-xun, was ecstatic. He explained how he had found it very difficult to lead the club last semester, how he was just about ready to quit, and how he had originally planned not to attend the seminar. After attending, however, he found the motivation to continue, identified a set of new objectives, and felt relieved to meet a group of like-minded leaders from whom he could gain support and advice if needed.

For many Tamkang students, the process of learning is not just about accruing intellectual knowledge or IQ, but also acquiring emotional intelligence or EQ. For the past 46 years, the Seminar for Leaders of Student Associations has been disseminating EQ on a large scale, and grooming Tamkang graduates to become leaders and luminaries in their chosen professional fields.