News and Events

'Clean Up the World' Activities

Date 2011-09-19 6302 Clicks

The third weekend of September is known throughout the world as ‘Clean Up the World Weekend’. This year, Tamkang University teamed up with the Good Neighbor Foundation to hold a number of activities aimed at cleaning up at least one part of the world – Danshui. As part of TKU's service learning program, Tamkang organized for around 130 students from the departments of Industrial Economics and Electrical Engineering to lend a helping hand.

They started from the Danshui MRT Station and worked their way along the Danshui River promenade, collecting litter, sweeping, and cleaning the streets in a relay-style cleanup that involved 34,000 volunteers around Taiwan. One of the TKU volunteers from the Department of Industrial Economics, Wu Da-hao, explained: “I’m an overseas Chinese student. Where I come from, we don’t have any activities where we can go into the community and help clean up. So, this is my first time taking part in such a meaningful event”.

The Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Ko Chih-en, noted that the TKU service learning program has not only brought out Tamkang students' passion for helping, but also channeled this energy into the larger community. When this weekend ends and ‘clean up the world weekend’ finishes, Tamkang students will continue to go into the community to clean up and help out. The areas that we help clean up will eventually extend to those surrounding the university, not just those by the Danshui River. In doing so, we hope to inspire local residents to join in and to bring a sense of natural beauty back to Danshui.