News and Events

The TKU "Face Equality Movement"

Date 2011-09-30 9505 Clicks

One part of TKU’s service learning program involves “caring for the underprivileged”. That is why on the morning of Sept 30, TKU invited the Sunshine Social Welfare foundation to the Tamsui Campus, where they held a special course for Tamkang students. The course was called the “Face Equality Movement”. It was designed to give students a more personal and positive view of burn victims and the feelings of self-consciousness that they go through on a daily basis. During the morning-long course, counselors also took the chance to encouraged students to stay away from cigarettes, alcohol, betel nuts, and other hazardous substances.

During the course, students individually walked through the Tamsui Campus wearing pressure garments and masks typically worn by burn victims. They received stares and experienced how uncomfortable it feels to stand out among a crowd. They were also given a mission: to find a group of students who would be willing to take a group photo with them. Aerospace engineering student, Wang Jing-yao, commented that “having people constantly stare at you is really unpleasant. And seeing people duck out of the way to avoid coming near you is even more unpleasant”. The fastest team to find a stranger to take a group photo with them spent 5 minutes doing so. Through this activity, students experienced the difficulties faced by burn victims on a daily basis. Several students expressed that in future, if they meet someone with burn victims, they will encourage them and offer them words of support and friendship.