News and Events

Teaching Students to Care

Date 2012-07-02 5269 Clicks


This year, the TKU Volunteer Service Club has been holding an ongoing community care project that is teaching students to care for the elderly. Starting from Mother’s Day, students from the club have been visiting senior citizens who live alone in the hope of keeping them company and providing them with care and comfort.

Among those who they visited is an elderly lady who lives by herself in a rural mountain village. Her vision is impaired due to a medical condition that affects her right eye. She needs a prosthetic eye, but does not have the money to afford the costly operation that it involves.

From May this year, the students of the Volunteer Service Club have been raising money for this cause. From May 7 to 11, they held a fundraiser at Poster St, Tamsui Campus, at which they sold hand-made cookies, roses, and flower bouquets made of balloons. Those who took part in the activities said they felt the cause was extremely meaningful. Some even commented that there should be regular care visits organized to senior citizens living alone in which students could care for the elderly as they care for their own grandparents. Many participating students who live away from home (in TKU dorms) cried when they phoned home as they realized how lucky they are to have the care and support of their family.

After holding a series of fundraisers, the Volunteer Service Club has now raised the money required to pay for the eye operation. On the afternoon of June 29, students from the Volunteer Service Club along with the Dean of Student Affairs, Dr. Ko Chih-en, once again visited the elderly lady. They gave her the money for the operation and wished her a successful procedure and a quick recovery.