News and Events

TKU Awarded for Excellence in Physical Education

Date 2016-09-21 3056 Clicks

The ROC Ministry of Education issues Exceptional College Awards to tertiary institutions that demonstrate excellence in the promotion of both individual and team-based physical and sports education. The deadline for award applications this year was the end of May, and award organizers held a preliminary evaluation, followed by the final decision. Previously, in the 2009-10 and 2013-14 academic years, Tamkang University entered the college evaluation and won awards. This year marked the third time that TKU received this honor.

On Sep 20, the TKU Vice-President For Academic Affairs, Dr. Huan-chao Ke, accepted the Exceptional College Award on behalf of Tamkang University. The award ceremony was attended by many senior TKU staff and faculty, who attended the event to demonstrate their support.