News and Events

Looking to the Future - Creating ‘Smart Campuses’

Date 2016-11-23 4912 Clicks

In the current age of mobile technology, the Internet of Things, and big data, higher education must adapt to the changing environment, and upgrade the way it provides information-based education and service learning opportunities to create a ‘smart campus’. How do we deal with the challenges and opportunities inherent in technological development? In recent years, this question has commanded widespread attention from scholars, researchers, and experts alike.

To discuss such queries, and expand the discourse in this area, on Nov 23 Tamkang University held the International Conference on Smart Campuses and an Exhibition (abbreviated as ICSC&E). Participants at the conference included the TKU U9 League, the ROC Association of E-Learning, and the Taiwan Association for Institutional Research.

The conference agenda involved presentations and discussions related to institutional research, as well as analyses of various new methods of study. The purpose of the conference was to try and achieve the perfect coalescence of technology and education. As former Nobel Peace Prize recipient Nelson Mandela put it: “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”