News and Events

The 2017 Flag Presentation Ceremony

Date 2017-06-20 5708 Clicks

As globalization brings the world closer together, students in Taiwan are encouraged to open their minds, broaden their knowledge base, and show a sense of respect and curiosity toward customs and cultures around the globe.

It is in this spirit of support for global adventure and exploration that, on June 20, TKU held the 2017 Flag Presentation Ceremony. The ceremony is an annual event attended by faculty, staff, and students, and is in essence a farewell celebration for TKU students set to venture overseas on exchange study programs.

Among those in attendance at the event were the President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, who personally hosted the event and conducted the flag presentation herself, as well as the Deputy Director of the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, Ms. Charmaine Stanley, and a member of the French Office in Taipei, Ms. Anne-Laure Vincent, both of whom delivered speeches. Various other dignitaries also attended the event.

President Chang noted that, from the outset, when Tamkang University was first established, it was built on a set of clearly-stated principles: globalization, as well as information and future-oriented education. In 1993, it became the first university in Taiwan to set up a Junior Abroad study program, which has to date enabled over 7,000 students to study abroad.