News and Events

The Cyber Campus - A New Era of Learning

Date 2018-06-15 4050 Clicks

As early as 2002, the Founder of Tamkang University, Dr. Clement Chang, signalled the way forward in higher education, pointing to online learning as a powerful new medium for instruction and designating TKU's "cyber campus" as the university's fourth official campus. Now, as we move further into the 21st century and enter the 'era of acceleration', the challenge is to effectively utilize new technologies to make our lives more convenient and efficient.

To achieve this goal, the Tamkang Center for Learning and Teaching is currently holding a display at the Black Swan Exhibition Hall. With the theme "Working Together to Create a Brighter Future", the exhibition will showcase future designs of cyber campuses and intelligent classrooms, as well as a new breed of courses that incorporate the latest technology to bring knowledge and learning into the community. These include courses that blend practical elements with virtual reality, long-distance correspondence courses, massive open online courses, and OpenCourseWare courses.

The opening ceremony of the exhibition was held on June 12 and was attended personally by the TKU Vice-President for Academic Affairs, who presented awards for outstanding long-distance courses and teaching innovation. The exhibition will end June 15.