News and Events

Prof. Masakazu Delivers the Second Lecture of the Tamkang Clement and Carrie Chair Lecture Series

Date 2018-11-27 4924 Clicks

On Nov 26, 2018, the second installment of the TKU Tamkang Clement and Carrie Chair Lecture Series was held at the Shou-Chien International Lecture Hall, Tamsui Campus. The lecture was delivered by internationally renowned scholar, Prof. Masakazu Anpo, who currently serves as emeritus professor at China's Fuzhou University, as well as working as an international consultant, a part-time professor at one of Japan's major national-level graduate institutes, and editor-in-chief of the esteemed academic journal Research on Chemical Intermediates. Prof. Anpo previously served as the Vice President of Osaka Prefecture University, an institution that has sister university ties with TKU. He specializes in the research and application of photocatalysis.

Prof. Anpo's lecture centered around catalytic agents, taking the theme: The Science and Technology of Catalytic Agents – from Basic to Industrial-level Applications. During the lecture, Prof. Anpo introduced the technology behind industrial catalysts and outlined advancements made in research on titanium oxide-based photocatalysts.

Aside from the lecture event, the TKU Department of Chemistry arranged for Prof. Anpo to visit the Tamsui Campus from Nov 22 - 28. On Nov 23, the Dean of the TKU College of Science, along with faculty from the Department of Chemistry, accompanied Prof. Anpo in a meeting with the Chairperson of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, and the TKU President, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh. Discussion in the meeting focused on future opportunities for academic cooperation, with Prof. Anpo expressing his willingness to assist in facilitating academic exchange and cooperation between TKU and China's Fuzhou University.

The academic events which Prof. Anpo took part in during this recent visit include: a joint signing ceremony between TKU, Osaka Prefecture University, the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology, Dalat University, and Tay Nguyen University; a lecture delivered as part of the Tamkang Clement and Carrie Chair Lecture Series; discussions with the TKU Department of Chemistry on the possibility of publishing a special issue academic journal; and helping to coordinate and organize an upcoming science conference to be held by the Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology.