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The Consortium of Excellent Universities (ELECT) Convenes at Tamkang

Date 2018-11-29 4352 Clicks

Along with 11 other private universities in Taiwan, Tamkang University has helped to establish an association of exceptional universities known as ELECT – Excellent Long-Established University Consortium of Taiwan. Aside from Tamkang University, the Consortium includes Datong University, Chung Yuan University, the Chinese Culture University, Shih Hsin University, Soochow University, Feng Chia University, Fujen University, Ming Chuan University, Shih Chien University, Taipei Medical University, and Providence University.

Each month the Consortium holds a "Presidents' Meeting", in which members convene to discuss mutual issues affecting all universities in Taiwan. This month, the meeting was held at the Shou-Chien International Conference Hall, Tamsui Campus, on Nov 28. The date and location were chosen specifically, enabling participants to partake in another, simultaneously-held event on the Tamsui Campus: the 2018 Asia Pacific Intelligent Campus Symposium and Exhibition, organized by the TKU Office of Information Services.

At the start of the Consortium meeting, the President of Tamkang University, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, welcomed the guests to the Tamsui Campus and introduced the newly-appointed President of the Chinese Culture University, Dr. Hsing-Ching Xu. During the meeting, apart from a briefing on recent items of business, delivered by the Consortium Director, Wen-Hui Tsui, an additional report was presented by Ying Chi-Shun from Shih Hsin University, who outlined the current status of the Consortium's recent advertising and marketing campaign.

The objective of the Consortium, at its essence, is to share knowledge and information among its members and to integrate and pool its resources to the benefit of each participating university, thus creating a better overall study environment and ultimately helping students gain a foot up in the workforce.