News and Events

TKU Administrative Staff Take a Tour of GDI

Date 2018-12-03 4112 Clicks

On Nov 30, a Tamkang University administrative team visited Grand Dynasty Industrial (GDI), a major Taiwanese plastics engineering company. The Chairman of GDI, Dr. Lawrence Lin, is the President of Tamkang University's Department Alumni Association, and had previously issued an invitation to Tamkang University, hoping that TKU administrative staff would take a tour of his company.

The TKU team was led by the President of Tamkang University, Dr. Huan-Chao Keh, and the Chairperson of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang, and comprised top-level managers from each department and administrative unit in TKU. The objective of the visit was to understand the method of corporate management employed by GDI. As such, the visit kicked off with a company introduction made by Chairman Lin himself, who described the various stages the company had undergone, from its initial establishment, to the subsequent research and develop phase, all the way to employee training initiatives and the development of a unique company culture. He explained that the reason the company was able to eventually turn a profit, after initially operating at a loss, and to pave a path of success in the cutthroat plastics market, was primarily due to its emphasis on research and development, as well as providing customer-oriented product solutions, and producing tailor-made products in small volumes to help clients keep down costs, while also ensuring GDI itself made reasonable profits.

Chairman Lin places immense value on staff discipline and education, requiring that employees apply themselves diligently, and strictly implementing SOP procedures and PDCA quality management processes. In order to enhance the quality of his products, Lin spared no expense, purchasing two high-tech 3D printers – which he uses to produce high-end products – for the staggering fee of NT $60 million.

Following the tour, the administrative staff took part in the 163rd TKU Administrative Conference, held at the GDI office, and then attended a banquet event arranged by Chairman Lin, who had also invited a host of exceptional TKU alumni to join in on the festivities.